Monday, April 25, 2011

And the Winner of the Big Gadgetmania Giveaway is....

I always feel so energized after holidays, ready to tackle several projects at once! I hope you also had a wonderful Easter weekend.

Now, it's time for the big announcement that I was delaying for the last couple of days because of all the Easter preparations! 

Reader votes have finally determined the winner of the big Gadgetmania Giveaway! Magda of MagdaMagda Design Studio won the Little Black Dress book! Check out her blog: she is a very talented designer with a signature style, and she also shares many of her creative sewing techniques there.

Great book! and because I got two copies,
one has already been packed and is ready to go to Magda
Congratulations, Magda! I hope you will enjoy the book as much as I do!

Thanks to everyone for participating! Meanwhile, I wanted to remind you that the Gadgetmania goes on, and you can win some great vintage patterns from my huge stash if you participate. All you have to do is leave a comment telling me about one of your favorite sewing tools (just make sure the tool was not featured before). Check out the Gadgetmania page for the list of past entries. 

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