Friday, January 20, 2012

Gadgetmania - and Carmen is here to talk about (oh, horror! :-)...

But before I fully reveal the topic of the day, I wanted to say I really enjoy Carmen's blog. She has great sense of humor, and blogs in two languages, French and English! Living 60km away from the next sewing heaven, Carmen is a very inventive and experienced sewer.  In her most recent post, she blogged about making her own shoulder pads, and I did spot a very cute ring pin cushion on the picture. Carmen, we are awaiting a blog post on it (!) 

Ok, now to the actual topic. When Carmen proposed it to me, I thought, oh horror, I could never use this in couture sewing, even if it saves time. I would have plenty of reasons to say that this can't be a good way... BUT! then I thought about it, and, wait! I don't have to use it with delicate fabrics. Think of making muslins - it's a great solution!.. So, you see, I am not a couture snob, but how can I not challenge it! :-) 

Thanks, Carmen, I've just learned a new thing! Well, readers, here is this week's Gadgetmania treat:

Hello to you all, thank you Marina for having me! I am Carmen Bouchard, wife of one, mother of one, I was born in Quebec, and I am living in France. I blog about sewing at and I'm here to talk about glue

When sewing, I aim for high-end RTW : I try to get the best possible results doing as little hand sewing as I can, using whatever's on hand which will suit the project. A stick of washable glue fits right in that category, alongside my son's washable markers, my stapler, my canned goods, my freezer paper, waxed paper, scotch tape, trombones, clothes pins and so on...

I know that talking about glue here, home of Hand Sewing and Haute Couture techniques is verging on sacrilegious, kudos to Marina for being open-minded about it. (Marina: 'ahem')

I have tried several sticks. My favorites are the coloured ones which fade when dry but if not available, I'll steal my son's as long as the package says washable. For precision work, I use the fancy, more expensive, Japanese one.

The idea is very simple : glue instead of pinning or basting, position, let it dry completely to avoid needle gunk and then sew. Besides this method being really quick, I really like it because you can reposition for a little while before the glue dries.

I use this trick most when crafting, making handbags and working leather. Sewing newbies will love it as it takes all the fidgeting out of inserting zippers. I also use it on bias tape, it keeps it from shifting when you are sewing a curve.

I hope it helps some of you get the results you want, in the meantime, sew on!


PS . I would like to thank Yoshimi The Flying Squirrel for the giving me the tip when she posted her beautiful Leia dress.

Did she say STAPLER, readers?! Canned goods?! Ok, I know canned goods are popular as pattern weights, but stapler? Carmencita, please tell me you are not using it for basting!!!

Ok, I am sending you to check out Carmencita's links! In fact, I insist on it! She also added a few social buttons on her page and will be happy if you stalk her, at least that is what she says on her blog ;-)

Carmen's Blog
and her Etsy Shop

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