Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whew, (U)FO Party updates...

I know, I know, some of you have been parading your (U)FOs, celebrating finished objects and making New Year's resolutions. Oh well, no resolutions here... I mean, why repeating what everyone else is saying... sew with a plan, reduce stash, don't buy more than you need, loose some pounds... I have nothing to add to it! Except that I am not going to fail, right?

Enough of it! Today, I wanted to catch up on our long overdue (U.)F.O. party.

For those who didn't know, we partied every week in December celebrating finished U.F.O.s and ditching unfinishable ones (I know, 'unfinishable' is not a word. strictly speaking... that is unless you sew). Well, I thought it was a little bit decadent to party every week; and considering my 'Simple Living Pledge I thought partying once a month would be more appropriate. But, don't be disappointed my fellow star troopers! We will party with fireworks, readers!

Let me reveal: to make the party more fun, I have enabled reader voting for the top three UFOs of the month!  You can vote on whatever criteria you want: time spent in Area 51, complexity, craftsmanship, finishing speed.... It just has to impress you more than other objects, as simple as it is! Those three UFOs will be featured in a separate post here, with links to your original posts, your blogs and whatever you want to promote (read the small print ;-)).

The U.F.O Party rules? They haven't changed, all you need is
- an U.F.O. (that is unfinished object)
- a link to a blog post or an image featuring your UFO, and a line or two on the main challenges with your flying saucer.

And, voilĂ  - the link collection for this month. And don't forget to vote!

Here is an updated badge for your blog with the code for your blog:

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