Friday, November 4, 2011

Blogiversary Giveaway 3: Burda 11/2011

I have to catch up with the Blogiversary Giveaway Week(...s) - there are two more scheduled for tomorrow morning and Monday. Today, I got for you the most recent issue of Burda Style Magazine (November 2011) and two other bonus publications featuring holiday crafts and shirt construction techniques.

I got two issues of November Burda, so one is for you! Check out the styles at - it's a Russian Sewing forum, but you don't need to know the language to browse through thumbnails!

The giveaway is open to all followers, readers, friends, likers etc... Leave your comment under this post telling others about your blog, or ( if you did it in previous posts) about the most recent post on your blog. If you don't have a blog promote one of your favorite ones. At the end of the giveaway I will compile a post with blog addresses and descriptions. For this giveaway, the last day to comment is Wednesday, November 9. Sounds good?

For other ongoing geveaways, check out these two posts:

Giveaway 1: Project Runway Wrist Pincushion
Giveaway 2: Claire Shaeffer Custom Couture Pattern V8621

Oh, and stay tuned to the Revival of Gadgetmania: Reviews of Tool essential for couture sewing. I am planning changes to the format! Starting tonight ;-)

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