Friday, November 4, 2011

Gadgetmania Revival: Guest Bloggers Wanted!

yes, forgotten Gadgetmania! If you read my old posts, you will remember that you usually nominated a tool and I researched a wrote an overview...


I want to change the format a little bit and organize the posts better! Below you will find a list of topics I want to cover:

Couture Gadgets and Tools:
  • Hand sewing needles
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Tracing tools
  • Marking tools: Markers
  • Marking tools: Rulers
  • Pressing tools
  • Press cloths
  • Organizing tools
  • Miscellaneous

This order is not strict, and some topics can be divided for more specific posts. But this will very much depend on you!


I wanted to offer you an opportunity to become a guest blogger and expert on that specific subject. Even if you don’t know much about the topic but want to contribute - it can work - we can work together. This way you will also be able to promote your own blog here and find new audience, and maybe even learn something new! So, if you are interested to contribute, write me at mvk(dot)fashion(at)gmail(dot)com

Please make suggestions and share some ideas about my proposal here! I would love to hear from you!

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